This includes 5 members of their commercial services team who have stepped in to help support local pharmacies during the coronavirus outbreak and are using council vehicles to help deliver prescriptions to vulnerable residents from across the borough.
In the first week alone, the team delivered approximately 650 prescriptions from Wheatbridge Road pharmacy, Sheffield Road pharmacy, Ashgate Medical Centre, Chatsworth Road pharmacy and the town centre pharmacy, ensuring that residents from across the borough have the medication they need.
Andy Elkington, senior technical officer in the commercial services team, is co-ordinating the service. He said:
“We are really thankful to Dave, Steve, Scott, Ryan and Gareth for helping us to support the people of Chesterfield during this difficult time.
“We appreciate this is completely different from their day-to-day roles at the council, but they are doing a great job in helping us protect local residents that are most vulnerable. Their commitment and determination has also been recognised by members of the public too, so they should be really proud of themselves.
“We will continue to help support the local pharmacies with deliveries for as long as we are needed.”