School children celebrating VE day

Children of critical workers and vulnerable children were indulged with a wartime treat picnic lunch with everything decorated red, white and blue.

Derbyshire County Council’s catering service planned the theme day back in July, and although plans have changed quite a bit since then, they still put on a fantastic, tasty treat for pupils.

The catering teams did a brilliant job putting on a fantastic spread with homemade cakes and scones while also making homemade decorations.

Becky Clarke, Catering Development Officer, said:

“It has turned out to be more important than we thought, becoming a beacon of hope and glory for all to celebrate during these unprecedented times.

“The 75th anniversary of VE day has been celebrated throughout homes around the UK and has been a truly special event which we are proud to be have been part of.”

Schools including Breadsall Primary School and Etwall Primary school enjoyed tasty lunches in the sunshine.

Some like St Laurence Primary School even continued with the war time spirit of ‘make do and mend’ with homemade decorations.